Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Maron V Seder - Premiere!

Finally... AirAmerica is attempting to correct some of their worst mistakes when they pulled first Marc Maron and then Sam Seder off the air. Not giving up, Sam and Marc created their own online show, broadcasting as they could like a pirate station. Now, it seems the greenlighters at AirAmerica have come to their collective senses, and Maron v Seder is a regular broadcast affiliated with the station. With better lighting and technical equipment, its only gotten better.

The show premiere's tommorrow, Oct. 1st at 3PM.

Check out Maron v Seder and enjoy.

Good luck fellas!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Putin Rears His Head!

"And you want to be my latex salesman."--Jerry Seinfeld

Seriously! She tried to defend that? Seriously! And what do we get...pure incoherence. What? That picture alone doesn't say enough about the GOP's bizarre VP pick? Okay. Try the video below for laughs...


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Socialism- American Style

"We're all Socialists Now!"

That was the tongue in cheek declaration of Air America's Sam Seder, as he blogged about the AIG-FP bailout that shook up Wall St. This after the Fed decided to rescue the flailing insurance giant to the tune of $85 billion--right out of the tax-payers pockets. All of this following on the heels of the Bear Stearns and Freddie Mac & Fannie Mae bailouts. It seems after years of decrying regulation, of blathering on about socialized medicine and the need to keep the free market "free"--America has decided that socialism, at least for the rich during a crisis, ain't such a bad idea.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Angriest Left

This past weekend, I decided to attend an event held by the Indypendent at Cooper Union in Manhattan featuring some of my favorite writers. Titled, "The 2008 Election: What’s Really At Stake?" it was headlined by authors Naomi Klein, known best today for The Shock Doctrine, and Jeremy Scahill, who has gained fame for his groundbreaking BlackWater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army. Lesser known writer Roberto Lovato and Malia Lazu, executive director of Harry Belafonte’s The Gathering, rounded out the panel which was moderated by radio host Laura Flanders. What I was treated to was an illuminating insight into the current mood of the progressive left, that place I warmly call home, and some of it wasn't so pretty.


Sunday, September 14, 2008

Latin America Strikes Back!

America's cold war in Latin America heated up this week. On Wednesday, the Bolivian president Evo Morales expelled the US ambassador Phillip Goldberg, accusing him of supporting revolt and riot in several rebel states. As Morales put it, the expulsion was part of the indigenous peoples' rejection of "the American empire." Morales, himself an an Aymara Indian, came to power in a landslide victory in 2006--making him the first indigenous President in 470 years in Bolivia. With his moves to support the poor and nationalization of Bolivia's all-important gas reserves, he quickly found himself surrouned by enemies--both within and without the country. This past August, wealthy (whites and lighter-skinned mestizos) interests in the eastern states attempted to secede from the country, forcing Morales to undergo a national referendum--which he won handily, getting a vote of confidence from over 67% of Bolivians. Not content with democracy, the rich rebels have decided to create disorder in the hopes of destabilizing the government, blowing up pipelines and killing government supporters.

A Matter of Morals, Not Morales: Respect Bolivia's Democracy!
As an American and an expert on US-Venezuela relations, the events unfolding in Bolivia are simply too familiar to escape my notice. The tactics used by opponents of President Chavez during Venezuela's short-lived coup in 2002 are currently being replicated in a "civic coup" in neighboring Bolivia that is designed to undermine the democratic government of Evo Morales.

Bolivia’s Elites Seek a Media Coup
Bolivia's popular movements are attempting to use democracy and a legitimate government to advance an agenda of sovereignty, greater equality, and development. Their opponents, led by several governors of the wealthier provinces in a part of the country called the "media luna", are trying to use violence and sabotage to stop that agenda by provoking a civil war and chaos. The challenge to Bolivia's government and its president Evo Morales is to stop the violence without allowing the provocation to succeed. In meeting that challenge, Morales has the support of most of the Latin American governments. His opponents have the support of the United States government.

Morales Adherents Gunned Down in Pando
Bolivian regional commissioner arrested after peasant supporters of the president are murdered. "We scattered, since we had no way to defend ourselves," explains Rodrigo Melina, an escapee from the carnage. "People were throwing themselves in the river and it was unbelievable: they machine-gunned those who tried to cross." Since the beginning of the week, chilling testimonies proliferate and they all tell how a group of peasants faithful to President Evo Morales, armed only with sticks, fell into an ambush laid by armed men last week, about 30 kilometers from Cobija, capital of the Amazonian Pando region (northern Bolivia).


US Eyes Bolivia's Morales as Radical Who Has Nation's Ear

VILLA TUNARI, Bolivia - To the Bush administration, Evo Morales is a drug-funded leftist Bolivian congressman who's turned the support of coca growers into a political movement that threatens the country's wobbly democracy. To millions of Bolivians, he's a hero who grows in stature with every kick from Washington.


Saturday, September 13, 2008

That Race Factor...

Barack Obama's greatest hurdle to reaching the presidency is that he's black.

Hey, I didn't say it--TIME magazine did. But I will concur.

No more beating around the bush and tip toeing through the tulips. From Michelle Obama being derided as everything from a militant to a baby-mama, to her husband's depiction as a radical secret Muslim bent on pulling a fast-one on America, RACE has been all over this campaign. The election has tightened up in recent days not because Obama can't "reach" voters or because McCain and Palin have come up with some new amazing strategy. Rather its because large swaths of white voters, who were going to opt out of the race are now being mobilized to show up and vote against the black guy. Call it the "racism vote" or the "invest in whiteness" vote. Whatever you want to name it, the McCain campaign is secretly counting on it showing up at the polls on Nov. 4th.


Friday, September 12, 2008

Peace for Zimbabwe?

Score one for South African President Thabo Mbeki. Despite those who scoffed at his attempts, he has managed to build a power-sharing agreement between Zimbabwe's rivals--President Robert Mugabe and opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai. The power-sharing deal ends a six-month deadlock as the talks managed to survive internal and external pressures. Despite the claims of Mugabe's blind backers, and the West's simplistic portrayal of Tsvangirai as a steward of democracy, there was never truly a "good guy" to root for in Zimbabwe. One was a freedom-fighter turned repressive autocrat; the other was an opposition leader with ties to elite Western interests.


Thursday, September 11, 2008

Morpheus Returns- The Fall Season

And I'm back. Brooklyn Carnival- Does the Mind & Body Good

Resting up in Zion was nice, but let's get back to business.

Time for the recap!

* Massive Immigration Arrests in Iowa, Mississippi- Enter Juan Crow * NATO Suspends Contact with Russia * McCain Likes The Draft * Stephanie Tubbs Jones Dies * "Free Gaza" Boats * McCain's 9 Mansions * Katrina Remembered * Obama Picks Biden * 90 Afghan Civilians Die from US Air Strike * Plot to Kill Obama * Russia Recognizes South Ossetia * Obama Nominated * Denver Speech * Hurricane Gustav Evacuation * Who is Sarah Palin? * Crackdown on Protestors at RNC * *Amy Goodman Arrested!?!* Ron Paul Counter Convention * Sami Al-Arian Released * Pitbull in Lipstick * Lipstick on a Pig * Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac Bailout * Haiti Struck Hard by Storms * Sept 11th 7th Anniversary * Zimbabwe Peace *