Saturday, August 19, 2006

A Handy-Dandy Guide To U.S. Foreign Policy

A Handy-Dandy Guide To U.S. Foreign Policy

By: Nicholas von Hoffman
Date: 8/14/2006

Q: What is the difference between a regime and a government?

A: A regime is a government disliked by the United States. A government is a regime that the United States likes.

Q: Are all axes evil?

A: No. An example of an axis of good is the Washington-London axis, which is an axis of very good because it is mostly Anglo-Saxon. The Paris-Berlin axis is good, but not as good as Washington-London.

Q: Recently, reports from Iraq have it that crowds are stoning the police when they arrive after a massacre. What does that mean?

A: In certain Arab-type countries, this is considered a support-the-police gesture, similar to Americans who put support-our-troops decals on their S.U.V.s.